Health, is freedom. Always. Not the amount of money you have in the bank, not which car you own and not how big and well designed your house is. Only health. Health is a value that allows you t...
Viruses are significant factors with regard to population changes throughout history. For instance, history could be different, had knowledge of the smallpox vaccine discovered in China a thous...
Have you ever had a fear of abandonment? Always needed a reassurance from your partner, close friend or sibling? Well, news flash! If you ever experienced the following, and it has interfered w...
Have you ever gone to the doctor following cold sores in your mouth, and waited over a week for the results??? The fact is, you are probably infected with the herpes virus. And the longer you w...
Herpes and Alzheimer’s disease are very common, Did you know that about 50-80% of the population in Europe has herpes [1]? And, that 10% of the population over the age of 65, and 50% of the popu...