There’s nothing like a nice big slab of chocolate! When you feel blue, before an exam, or even when you’re just craving for something sweet. However, chocolate is usually associated with unhealthy eating, which is mainly due to its high sugar and cream levels. But them, what is I told you, that chocolate is actually very very healthy?? Turns out that quality dark chocolate has remarkable health benefits [1]!
Dark chocolate is one of the most strongest antioxidants in the world. Cacao, from which chocolate is made, contains 15-20 times more antioxidants than blueberries and green tea! Pretty crazy huh?
And it doesn’t end there. It also contains stimulant substances such as caffeine and theobromine, which can improve brain function in the short term. Therefore it is recommended to eat three squares of chocolate before writing and exam- it will keep you concentrated for a least another hour and a half!
Other than being rich in fiber, Iron and Magnesium, it contains flavonols (plant compound) which improves blood flow to the brain thus improving cognitive function and memory.
Even more strikingly, according to a study, the cocoa present in dark chocolate boosts the immune system by influencing the body’s inflammatory response.
In addition to dark chocolate, you may also take Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR to boost your immune system. They are natural antiviral supplements, backed by clinical studies that showed their effectiveness against a broad range of latent viruses. For more information click
Many studies have demonstrated cocoa’s ability to reduce the concentration of molecules in the body that are involved in inflammatory response [2-3].
So in a matter of fact, by having 3 squares of dark chocolate a day, you may help your immune system to fight viruses, especially those latent viruses that manage to hide away from your immune system!
In addition to dark chocolate, you may also take Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR to boost your immune system. They are natural antiviral supplements, backed by clinical studies that showed their effectiveness against a broad range of latent viruses. Such viruses includes Herpes, HPV, Hepatitis, CMV (Cytomegallovirus) shingles virus and EBV (Epstein Barr virus) [4].
But wait, that fact that dark chocolate is so healthy doesn’t mean you should reach for the Reese’s and M&M. Milk chocolate contains high levels of sugar and cream, and low levels of cacao. So milk chocolate isn’t as healthy as dark chocolate. So remember, When buying dark chocolate, make sure the chocolate you buy is with at least 70% cocoa.
1. – Cohen, J. “12 Best Foods To Boost Brain Power.” Published February 5, 2015.
2. Francisco J. Pérez-Cano, Malen Massot-Cladera, Àngels Franch, Cristina Castellote, and Margarida Castell. “The effects of cocoa on the immune system.” Front Pharmacol. 2013; 4: 71.
3. Borreli, L. “Benefits of Chocolate: The Common Cold And 4 Illnesses That Can Be Treated By Chocolate Consumption.” Published August 8, 2013.
4. Polansky, H. Itzkovitz, E. Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study. Published in September 2013.