Turns out that flavonoids are able to fight the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), as well as reduce growths of abnormal cells in the cervix caused by the virus [2-3]. Image by: Freedigitalphotos.net
But before we answer that question, what is actually green tea?
Green tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia Sinensis, and may be consumed as a beverage, or as an extract to serve as medicine.
Even back then, chinese people identified it’s health benefits. Turns out that tea leaves contain two unique active compounds named methylxanthines and flavonoids.
Methylxanthines include caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, which are a group of substances that are present in small quantities. The caffeine affects thinking and alertness, and is thought to stimulate the nervous system, heart and muscles by increasing the release of chemicals in the brain.
Flavonoids are responsible for most of its beneficial effects such as assisting in prevention of inflammation and cancer, lessen joint degeneration and help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Even more strikingly, turns out that flavonoids are able to fight the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), as well as reduce growths of abnormal cells in the cervix caused by the virus [2-3].
And it doesn’t end there. Green tea extract is the first botanical agent approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for prescription use and is indicated as a treatment for external genital and perianal warts [3].

There are other natural antiviral remedies that contain Camellia Sinesis Extract (green tea extract), such as Novirin, a natural antiviral dietary supplement.
In a matter of fact, there are other natural antiviral remedies that contain Camellia Sinesis Extract (green tea extract), such as Novirin, a natural antiviral dietary supplement. Its formula contains five natural ingredients: Selenium, Camellia Sinesis Extract, Quercetin, Cinnamomum Extract, and Licorice Extract. The first ingredient is a trace element, and the other four are plant extracts. Each ingredient and its dose were chosen through a scientific approach.
Additionally, this formula was found to reduce HPV symptoms in two separate post-marketing clinical studies that followed FDA guidelines [4]. So it really works. And apparently it is effective against other viruses as well such as herpes virus, shingles virus, Cytomegallovirus and more.
Well, I myself love my cup of coffee every morning, but I sure am going to try having a cup of green tea instead every second day.
1. Dattner, Christine; Boussabba, Sophie (2003), Emmanuelle Javelle, ed., The Book of Green Tea, Universe Books, p. 13,
2. Doan HQ1, Nguyen HP, Rady P, Tyring SK. “Expression Patterns of Immune-Associated Genes in External Genital and Perianal Warts Treated with Sinecatechins.” Viral Immunol. 2015 Mar 16.
3. Tyring SK “Effect of Sinecatechins on HPV-Activated Cell Growth and Induction of Apoptosis.” J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2012 Feb;5(2):34-41.
4. Polansky, H. Itzkovitz, E. Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study. Published in September 2013.